Profilo Talent

Giulia Cipollini

Partner in the law firm Withers

"A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other" (Simon Sinek)

Giulia Cipollini regularly plays sports, especially tennis, and skiing, and loves to travel. She always tries to discover new exhibitions, restaurants and shows to recommend to friends during her travels.
She graduated in Law from the University of Ferrara, Faculty of Law – 110 cum laude.
Today Giulia is responsible in Italy for the Tax and Wealth Planning Team for the firm Withers.v
She is the firm’s senior partner and globally coordinates Withers’ interest group related to the Continental Europe area. She currently holds the position of Secretary of the Board of Directors of STEP Italy, an international association dealing with succession and estate planning; she is an active member of IFA, the International fiscal association, as well as of 100 Women in Finance, and Professional Women Network (WPN) and, since 2016, she has been a member of the Consultation of Technical Experts appointed by the then President of the Finance Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.
Her distinctive areas of expertise are:

  • providing tax assistance to families, entrepreneurs, charities, and foundations, as well as artists and athletes;
  • estate planning and generational transition of family businesses; and
  • structuring trusts and other wealth transfer instruments within the family.

Giulia and her team have distinguished themselves by assisting HNWIs in transferring their tax residence to Italy due to the new so-called “neo-residents” regime. She is also involved, both internally and externally in the firm, in active participation as a speaker and promoter of events and seminars on women’s leadership and the importance of mentoring for the training of the next generation of female professionals.
Giulia regularly assists charities and charities and is vice president of the Novak Djokovic Foundation Onlus in Italy. She also has extensive experience providing tax assistance to luxury/fashion and food and beverage companies.

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