Profilo Talent


Frigieri & Partners Lawyer

"It doesn't matter to predict the rain but to build the ark" (Warren Buffet)

A lawyer since 1996, he has specialized with master’s degrees in probate law and trusts, is certified as a coach, and has taken courses on strategic problem-solving.

He loves his profession, especially in mediating intra-family and corporate conflicts, to lay the foundation for wealth architectures that protect the programming and planning of ownership structures over time. He has followed, and follows, mainly inheritance litigation.

He is the author of several publications and lecturer on the legal issues of generational transition, as well as coordinator of a multidisciplinary network through which the foundations are created for innovative solutions in the area of assets, not only on a purely legal-fiscal level. He has recently published an e-book entitled “Wealth Architectures,” which can be downloaded on Amazon.

In his spare time, he enjoys outdoor sports in nature.

Distinguishing skills:

  • Generational transition
  • Succession
  • Inheritance

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