Profilo Talent

Alexander Gebhard

Of counsel at the law firm LawFed Brsa

"Be the change you want to see in the world" (Mahatma Gandhi)

A lawyer of Italian-German descent, he is a member of the Milan Bar Association. After graduating from the Germanic School in Milan, he graduated in law from the University of Milan with a thesis in criminology on “computer crimes” and later worked with renowned international law firms.

He is currently of counsel at LawFed Brsa law firm, a firm with an international, independent, and multidisciplinary vocation. He mainly deals with commercial, corporate, real estate, and inheritance law, where he works both during the extrajudicial and litigation phases. He offers legal advice in Italian, German, and English.

He has gained many years of consolidated experience and expertise, mainly advising and assisting corporate and private clients operating between German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein) and Italy in important cross-border transactions and disputes.

Registered on the list of trusted German-speaking lawyers of the Consulate General of Germany in Milan, he is a member of numerous associations active in relations between Italian and Germanic lawyers.

Married and father of two children, in his spare time, he enjoys amateur cycling and is a lover of nature, particularly the mountains, where he practices cross-country skiing and ski mountaineering.

Distinguishing skills:

  • Cross-border counseling
  • Commercial litigation and arbitration
  • Cross-border successions

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