Profilo Talent

Edoardo Tamagnone

Founder of Tamagnone Di Marco Law Firm and Wealth Trust Ltd.

"Character is your destiny" (Heraclitus)

Lawyer, and founder of Tamagnone Di Marco Studio Legale, a legal boutique with offices in Turin and Milan, focused on asset governance, recently included by Sole 24 Ore among the Law Firms of the Year in Northern Italy.

After international studies (in Strasbourg, Geneva, London, and Norway), he obtained his first university master’s degree in Turin in tax law, the master’s degree in wealth management and estate planning directed by Prof. Stefano Loconte and the master’s degree in trusts law directed by Prof. Maurizio Lupoi.

A lecturer in numerous executive courses and speaker at professional development conferences, he is president of the Turin section of the National Association of Wealth Advisors. In wealth planning, he is inspired by the idea of combining the Anglo-Saxon model with the specificities of Italian family capitalism, guaranteeing families and businesses constant assistance, legal and fiscal, across generations.

From experience gained in legal work, Wealth Trust s.r.l. was born, a company dedicated to wealth planning, which collaborates with numerous private banking and family office structures for the management of generational transition, domestic and international successions, and family trusts. It has promoted Heritage Club, a multidisciplinary community of professionals intending to share best practices in the wealth sector. His ambition is to make Turin a center of excellence for managing, planning, and protecting family wealth inspired by the criteria of prudence, discretion, expertise, and innovation typical of Savoy’s understatement. Always involved in local institutions, he is, among other positions-a board member of the Camillo Cavour Foundation and has been on the board of the Associazione Nazionale Italia Liberty since 2020.

A collector and art lover, he has furnished his studio office with outstanding works by masters of design. He loves attending exhibitions and museums and visiting historic mansions. He enjoys skiing, golfing, traveling, and movies in his spare time.

Distinguishing skills:

  • Asset protection
  • Family trusts
  • International successions

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